
Take a leap of faith (luckily I could and I did)

I see a lot of posts about wanting to quit/resign. Just do it. Or at least take steps everyday to work towards that goal to find something better. I recently left a job that was so horrible, you wouldn’t believe the unfit/unlawful behavior there for our line of work. They not only go against the specific work, they go against the policies of the broader company. Like you gotta realize, these people took their job so seriously but in the weirdest direction. And I’m so freaking grateful that I was only there for a short period of time. Because remember, what you tolerate is what you accept and the longer you’re there – the more you get used to it (and maybe have to support it – “go along to get along”). There is nothing wrong with taking a leap of faith. There is only ever something wrong with sticking…

I see a lot of posts about wanting to quit/resign.

Just do it. Or at least take steps everyday to work towards that goal to find something better.

I recently left a job that was so horrible, you wouldn’t believe the unfit/unlawful behavior there for our line of work. They not only go against the specific work, they go against the policies of the broader company. Like you gotta realize, these people took their job so seriously but in the weirdest direction.

And I’m so freaking grateful that I was only there for a short period of time.
Because remember, what you tolerate is what you accept and the longer you’re there – the more you get used to it (and maybe have to support it – “go along to get along”).

There is nothing wrong with taking a leap of faith.
There is only ever something wrong with sticking it out when you’re suffering, with doing nothing in the face of wrongdoing thereby allowing the cage of capitalism/corporate to rise higher around you and – even worse, helping to reinforce those bars of your own cage.

So, take a leap of faith.
I did, I’m lucky I could. I look around me now and I’m genuinely much happier and healthier for it. No lies. I promise:)

Take a leap of faith; remember, you’re the only one in control of your own life.
I was updating my CV and I’ve left behind many many jobs (some okay, some decent) but I always left them for something better. Like the vast majority of us will have to work but you can always find a way to solve fuck this fuck you, I’m looking for something better.

Additional tip: The honest truth for some of you to consider is that with any dislike/hatred of things and people in your workplace – it still won’t make a single change to your own situation. Put energy into moving yourself forwards. Trust me, at my last job I was becoming resentful – cus I was stuck ! Then I put the pedal to the medal and I’m grateful I did. I still don’t like working but while I still have to, I sure as shit gonna find something that works for me. Some will ask/demand that you lower your standards, well they know where to shove that attitude.
Have a good weekend now!

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