
Taking a “break” from my grueling 15hr work day for a corporate presentation on health and wellness.

I don’t normally consider myself a pessimistic person. I always try my hardest to have a good attitude about work and studies. I take pride in that. This job is just getting absurd though. I have all the responsibilities and expectations of a full time employee (or three, lmao) with the pay and title of an intern. There are no senior employees in my role on my team- just interns. We are trying our hardest to be professional, but we lack the professional experience to know what boundaries to set with our managers and when. Plus the fact that we all desperately need full time positions makes saying “no” to unreasonable requests even harder. I’ve been working crazy overtime hours for the last week or two because my manager “needs” me to do the amount of work in days/weeks that would usually take months for one person. I’m dividing my…

I don’t normally consider myself a pessimistic person. I always try my hardest to have a good attitude about work and studies. I take pride in that. This job is just getting absurd though.

I have all the responsibilities and expectations of a full time employee (or three, lmao) with the pay and title of an intern. There are no senior employees in my role on my team- just interns. We are trying our hardest to be professional, but we lack the professional experience to know what boundaries to set with our managers and when. Plus the fact that we all desperately need full time positions makes saying “no” to unreasonable requests even harder.

I’ve been working crazy overtime hours for the last week or two because my manager “needs” me to do the amount of work in days/weeks that would usually take months for one person. I’m dividing my time between several teams because the company refuses to hire enough people in my role. I’m exhausted and stressed, and right now I’m wasting my finite time sitting through a corporate wellness presentation being forcefed platitudes like “find time for movement during your day by buying a standing desk!” “Decorate your office in relaxing colors!” And the kicker- “work life balance isn’t the company’s responsibility, it’s YOURS.”

Like omg I can’t believe I forgot it’s MY fault I’ve been tasked with more work than is physically possible for one person! I’ll just go do some breathing exercises and magically be OK with 15+ hour work days spent pumping out pure corporate garbage. It just feels so cartoonishly tone deaf and offensive I don’t know what to do with myself.

Trying to tough this out because I need the money and don’t have anything else lined up yet. Also if I can somehow manage to get a full time position here I will be compensated very well. I just hate it so much. This is destroying me.

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