
taking a job that I know I will quit?

Hey everyone, I have a question. I recently got a job offer for what is essentially the entry level equivalent of my dream job. I haven't gotten anything but a verbal offer but was assured that the HR process just takes a really long time and that an offer is coming. Here's the thing though, I absolutely hate my current job. It is stressful and I do the work of three people. The workload is killing me. I was offered a different position in a similar field that is way less stressful. WIBTA if I took the less stressful job, even though I know I'll leave in a few weeks to a few months?

Hey everyone, I have a question. I recently got a job offer for what is essentially the entry level equivalent of my dream job. I haven't gotten anything but a verbal offer but was assured that the HR process just takes a really long time and that an offer is coming. Here's the thing though, I absolutely hate my current job. It is stressful and I do the work of three people. The workload is killing me. I was offered a different position in a similar field that is way less stressful. WIBTA if I took the less stressful job, even though I know I'll leave in a few weeks to a few months?

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