
Taxation of overtime pay should be illegal.

Preface: I hope this is appropriate for this sub. Not a slight against my work but the governing powers who control places of employment in general. I’m a Nurse. Not telling what kind not telling where. Recently we were offered massive incentives for overtime. Well worth giving up almost every day for 3 weeks straight. Well the other day I got my paycheck and I was so impressed. It doubled! Yay! But then curiosity got the best of me. I went to check the paystub. To my horror, over a third of my gross pay was taken out in taxes. Now I’m not under the belief that income shouldn’t be taxed. Give the government what is theres. Sure. But if I go beyond the call and decide to work my ass off in a completely optional/ self driven manner, the government should have no right to touch my pay past…

Preface: I hope this is appropriate for this sub. Not a slight against my work but the governing powers who control places of employment in general.

I’m a Nurse. Not telling what kind not telling where. Recently we were offered massive incentives for overtime. Well worth giving up almost every day for 3 weeks straight. Well the other day I got my paycheck and I was so impressed. It doubled! Yay! But then curiosity got the best of me. I went to check the paystub. To my horror, over a third of my gross pay was taken out in taxes. Now I’m not under the belief that income shouldn’t be taxed. Give the government what is theres. Sure. But if I go beyond the call and decide to work my ass off in a completely optional/ self driven manner, the government should have no right to touch my pay past my regular salary. And they sure as hell shouldn’t be taking a higher percent of my check because of my overtime classifying me as a higher tax bracket.

Thank you for reading my rant.

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