
Teamsters planning a strike, let’s gooooooo!

Policy negations have been on going and I’m so excited that we have a leader who is willing to fight for his brothers and sisters. If any of you have been keeping up with news on the Teamsters and UPS battle, you’ll know that tensions are very high and if UPS doesn’t make them a good offer, the teamsters will initiate the biggest strike in US history. I am sooooo excited for this. For anyone who doesn’t know about this. UPS offered up an insult of a policy that was a slap to the face to all warehouse workers and drivers. They wanted to cut driver wages and keep lowballing part time warehouse workers which have already been getting low pay for quite a while. Yes, they want to CUT wages even though they made a record breaking profit during Covid. Right now, they have until July 30 to bring…

Policy negations have been on going and I’m so excited that we have a leader who is willing to fight for his brothers and sisters. If any of you have been keeping up with news on the Teamsters and UPS battle, you’ll know that tensions are very high and if UPS doesn’t make them a good offer, the teamsters will initiate the biggest strike in US history. I am sooooo excited for this. For anyone who doesn’t know about this. UPS offered up an insult of a policy that was a slap to the face to all warehouse workers and drivers. They wanted to cut driver wages and keep lowballing part time warehouse workers which have already been getting low pay for quite a while. Yes, they want to CUT wages even though they made a record breaking profit during Covid. Right now, they have until July 30 to bring a new offer to the table. If they don’t, then the strike is on. We already have locations practicing for the strike.

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