
Technically this MLM only pays me to keep the FDA off their back…not fact check their AI/ geography claims

I do some work for an MLM, checking their product statements to make sure they’re not going to inadvertently bring the FDA over with more out of compliance letters. I’m good at my job. But I’m not paid to fact check anything else. Today, I came across a bunch of incorrect statements about geography. Like claiming a mountain is the largest mountain in an area when it’s actually the 4th largest in the area and not even the 1st largest in this state. If the MLM peeps can’t figure out what the biggest landmark in an area is from 4th grade geography or even a basic fact check search, but just assume the one nearest the office is the biggest and fanciest in the region, I’m not going to help them. I’m pretty sure the marketing team used AI to write this blog anyway. I don’t mind taking an MLM’s…

I do some work for an MLM, checking their product statements to make sure they’re not going to inadvertently bring the FDA over with more out of compliance letters. I’m good at my job. But I’m not paid to fact check anything else.

Today, I came across a bunch of incorrect statements about geography. Like claiming a mountain is the largest mountain in an area when it’s actually the 4th largest in the area and not even the 1st largest in this state.

If the MLM peeps can’t figure out what the biggest landmark in an area is from 4th grade geography or even a basic fact check search, but just assume the one nearest the office is the biggest and fanciest in the region, I’m not going to help them. I’m pretty sure the marketing team used AI to write this blog anyway.

I don’t mind taking an MLM’s money for work. But I’m not going above and beyond to ensure the company that of the people who join their business model 60% will be in debt within the next six months trying to afford their 150/month order to get commissions. Let them fail under basic scrutiny.

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