
Technicians get additional $1.25 raise but I dont. Is this fair?

I work at a semi dealership. Im officially titled as the “porter” but in my 8 years there my duties have expanded to include transporting semis regionally, test driving service work, detailing trucks, generic “gopher” stuff, and general maintenance handyman. I do whatever needs done, and I generally enjoy my job. I have not been quiet about the last 3 years hitting my money so hard that I literally haven't gained anything. Every penny that came in has gone out. Checking account has sat completely still on the chart. Two weeks ago, the techs got together and brought forth an “informal” grievance to management about the performance bonus program. This program gives the hourly service personnel a monthly bonus based on what accounting expected vs what we actually got done. It has $50 tiers and is topped at 300 bucks. This past fiscal year, my shop beat the expectation by…

I work at a semi dealership. Im officially titled as the “porter” but in my 8 years there my duties have expanded to include transporting semis regionally, test driving service work, detailing trucks, generic “gopher” stuff, and general maintenance handyman.

I do whatever needs done, and I generally enjoy my job.

I have not been quiet about the last 3 years hitting my money so hard that I literally haven't gained anything. Every penny that came in has gone out. Checking account has sat completely still on the chart.

Two weeks ago, the techs got together and brought forth an “informal” grievance to management about the performance bonus program.

This program gives the hourly service personnel a monthly bonus based on what accounting expected vs what we actually got done. It has $50 tiers and is topped at 300 bucks.

This past fiscal year, my shop beat the expectation by ~$50k every single month.

The grievance they wanted to bring forth was that this program needed another tier. Possibly raise the cap so we could have something to actually aim for, even if we dont always get it.

Last week, management scrapped the bonus program and instead is giving every service dept employee a raise equivalent to the 300 buck a month, $1.75 an hour.

I was actually eccstatic when heard the news, because ive already been given the biggest raise ive ever gotten here of $1.50

THEN I heard that the technicians were going to be getting an additional $1.25 when the program changes take effect.

I am the only porter for my location. I take care of my 9 technicians as best I can, often busting ass to go above and beyond what a porter should be expected to do.

That 1.25 an hour could be a big deal for me.

I know they are the ones actually producing the labor for the shop. That it is their time and effort that is charged out. But I cant help but feel a tiny bit shorted by management. If the techs are the cogs, I am the grease that smoothes things out.

I definitely don't want to be greedy. Those guys deserve all they can get. I was just hoping for maybe a little perspective from you guys.

What do you think?

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