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Companies talking about AI while I’m manually updating status of hundreds of items in a db. No importing a table with updated values. Guardian ERP which may be outdated but that does not excuse inability to update data. I’d rather be building python visuals in PowerBI and automating shit but fuck me right At interview company was all excited about tech skills. But that doesn’t magically translate to change. The lost I got isn’t even sorted by part number. Shit’s funny

Companies talking about AI while I’m manually updating status of hundreds of items in a db. No importing a table with updated values. Guardian ERP which may be outdated but that does not excuse inability to update data.
I’d rather be building python visuals in PowerBI and automating shit but fuck me right
At interview company was all excited about tech skills. But that doesn’t magically translate to change.
The lost I got isn’t even sorted by part number.
Shit’s funny

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