
Terminated.. Wrongful termination???

Been working at my retail company for the last 8 plus years. Late Sept got a sudden call from management and HR asking me where i was at a certain time during work hours because manager came to an specific area and didn't see me( I work 4 areas. time and order of service areas are at my discretion. I decide daily which area to start depending on need. All my 4 areas /dept get service daily. During the call i stated that since it was a few days ago I would need to consult my daily report to remember which area got service at that specific time. They told me to go home immediately I would get paid for the rest of the week and a investigation will be opened. I went home.. Looked at my daily report from said day and reviewed everything i accomplished that day. A…

Been working at my retail company for the last 8 plus years.

Late Sept got a sudden call from management and HR asking me where i was at a certain time during work hours because manager came to an specific area and didn't see me( I work 4 areas. time and order of service areas are at my discretion. I decide daily which area to start depending on need. All my 4 areas /dept get service daily.

During the call i stated that since it was a few days ago I would need to consult my daily report to remember which area got service at that specific time.

They told me to go home immediately I would get paid for the rest of the week and a investigation will be opened.

I went home.. Looked at my daily report from said day and reviewed everything i accomplished that day. A week later I receive a second call from management and HR where i was told the investigation concluded and was terminated immediately and told how to transition to Cobra coverage.

I immediately stated my case. I was at a specific work area and i have third party people to vouch for me.

My manager (person who wants to terminate me was kinda like speechless and HR told me the investigation will continue and that I would be getting paid while investigation proceeds.

Third call takes place a week later. I recorded the call… I live in a one party consent state

Manager stated she heard comments that i spent majority of my time outside of my work areas. She avoided naming names where those remarks came from. She made sure not to disclose where those comments where coming from. My reputation is on the line here. I could care less about the job. Now here's the kicker.. I was told I was terminated however i would continue to be paid until sometime in November and plus I would get a severance package.

I got the severance in the mail.. I haven't signed it. If I do I would lose my right to sue.

Do I have a case for wrongful termination?

Why would they offer me severance if according to them i broke company policy by not being in a work area during working hours.

Any feedback appreciated.

I'll be calling dept of labor on Monday and the EEOC.

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