
Tesla strike in Sweden

I just saw on the news that more or less all employees at Tesla in Sweden are currently on a strike primarily because Tesla is not agreeing to the demands of the unions, basically not recognizing them at all. Most of the employees are already part of a few different unions, for example there is a union for people working in sales, there is a popular one for engineers, and there are a few general unions that covers more or less any profession regardless of which company they work at. Tesla downright refuses to go into any agreement with any of the unions whatsoever, so the employees are now on strike. Whats amazing is that its actually not just the Tesla employees that are striking this one, but I also read on the news that port workers will soon start to refuse unloading any tesla shipments from any cargo ship,…

I just saw on the news that more or less all employees at Tesla in Sweden are currently on a strike primarily because Tesla is not agreeing to the demands of the unions, basically not recognizing them at all.

Most of the employees are already part of a few different unions, for example there is a union for people working in sales, there is a popular one for engineers, and there are a few general unions that covers more or less any profession regardless of which company they work at.

Tesla downright refuses to go into any agreement with any of the unions whatsoever, so the employees are now on strike.

Whats amazing is that its actually not just the Tesla employees that are striking this one, but I also read on the news that port workers will soon start to refuse unloading any tesla shipments from any cargo ship, helping the striking workers.

In Sweden we have had unions for a very long time and virtually no company ever even attempts to deny our ability to join one. Nobody is refusing to discuss with or negitiate with unions. employees have a lot of say into what is a fair workers environment and what isn't. We do not want the horrible conditions that some American companies put their own employees into and people like Elon can take his garbage slave work culture elsewhere.

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