
texts from the AM this morning that I honestly thought were a joke or a troll… until I got into work and he proceeded to verbally berate me, swearing and cursing at me (repost due to censoring issues)

suffice to say, I walked out. I have the support of all my coworkers and upper management save for my GM, who texted me after the incident trying to intimidate me into saying that I was quitting, even telling me that walking out was considered voluntary quitting, and that if I did not return to this—clearly unsafe—workplace, I would be considered to have quit on the spot. I have been nothing but a good employee and this is the treatment I receive. the AM and I have, historically, gotten along well in the time that I’ve been here—this was genuinely out of nowhere. The only trigger I can think of is that I had to leave early a few days ago, but we had worked together since in what felt like a perfectly normal shift. I’m fucking floored, to say the least. I have no doubts about the fact that…

suffice to say, I walked out. I have the support of all my coworkers and upper management save for my GM, who texted me after the incident trying to intimidate me into saying that I was quitting, even telling me that walking out was considered voluntary quitting, and that if I did not return to this—clearly unsafe—workplace, I would be considered to have quit on the spot.
I have been nothing but a good employee and this is the treatment I receive. the AM and I have, historically, gotten along well in the time that I’ve been here—this was genuinely out of nowhere. The only trigger I can think of is that I had to leave early a few days ago, but we had worked together since in what felt like a perfectly normal shift. I’m fucking floored, to say the least. I have no doubts about the fact that I am in the right, and my fellow coworkers and our shift leads are all in agreement that this is unacceptable behavior on his behalf. some of them have also witnessed similarly aggressive behavior from the AM, although it’s usually been towards the GM—who, by the way, is his girlfriend. I expected things to blow up when I learned that, but jesus. not like this!

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