
Thanks, I hate it. But unfortunately, I need it.

It’s been a long 6 month job hunt. Finally landed one that i was super excited for – Outpatient registration at a hospital! Everything was fine during the (8 HOUR ASSEMBLY STYLE) orientation. I even had fun doing the social activities with my new coworkers. But then i had a meeting with my new boss after the fact where she told me, although we’re in a hospital – scrubs are against HER dress code and I’ll be sent home on PTO and given disciplinary points for doing such. Even though they said scrubs were fine during the interview. So now i have to see if the scrub store accepts returns. As the title states, i searched for a job for 6 months. I. Don’t. Have. Extra. Money. I’m not allowed OT. Not even .01 over the 40 hours. If it happens, i have to submit a request to get it…

It’s been a long 6 month job hunt. Finally landed one that i was super excited for – Outpatient registration at a hospital!

Everything was fine during the (8 HOUR ASSEMBLY STYLE) orientation. I even had fun doing the social activities with my new coworkers. But then i had a meeting with my new boss after the fact where she told me, although we’re in a hospital – scrubs are against HER dress code and I’ll be sent home on PTO and given disciplinary points for doing such. Even though they said scrubs were fine during the interview. So now i have to see if the scrub store accepts returns. As the title states, i searched for a job for 6 months. I. Don’t. Have. Extra. Money.

I’m not allowed OT. Not even .01 over the 40 hours. If it happens, i have to submit a request to get it approved lmao. Hate that.

And to top it off, they never mentioned that my training will be 45 minutes further than the actual job is. And i barely have a working vehicle that gets me to the actual location, so driving that would be a feat in itself. I asked if it was possible to make accommodations for maybe an Uber reimbursement, or is there a shuttle.. or even if we could reschedule my training till after payday to make sure i can get there and she said no. Her assistant manager even offered to give me a ride because he will be attending the classes we’re training in, and she said, and i quote, “absolutely not”.

So basically I’ve been onboarded and vaccinated for a job i don’t even want anymore. But i can’t go much longer without one.

TIA sorry for ranting.

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