
Thanks to my Boss, I won’t be able to see my family for months!

So, I am going to university here within the next two weeks. Currently, I'm working at a McDonald's. As expected, we're currently-heavily- understaffed. In the last week, we had two people fired and one other quit- or so I had sadly, and stupidly, thought. To let you know how badly understaffed we are, every single night we have to call people in to the store. Just there days ago, there was three people (including myself!) At six pm- running the entire store. Thankfully, our regional manager came in and so did some other managers to help out. All my shift managers are amazing people who are really nice, and nothing here was their fault. I've worked seven days in a row, and I still have three more to go until my leave of absence has started. I agreed to this ten day shift because they were so low on people…

So, I am going to university here within the next two weeks. Currently, I'm working at a McDonald's.

As expected, we're currently-heavily- understaffed. In the last week, we had two people fired and one other quit- or so I had sadly, and stupidly, thought.

To let you know how badly understaffed we are, every single night we have to call people in to the store.

Just there days ago, there was three people (including myself!) At six pm- running the entire store. Thankfully, our regional manager came in and so did some other managers to help out. All my shift managers are amazing people who are really nice, and nothing here was their fault.

I've worked seven days in a row, and I still have three more to go until my leave of absence has started. I agreed to this ten day shift because they were so low on people (due to me thinking that this person quit), and I felt bad.

So, as I'm working today, I ask my manager if I can call people in as I won't be able to come in tomorrow (as my dad wants to celebrate my birthday before I go), so I make up the bullshit excuse that I have a doctor's appointment (possibly) tomorrow, and that I won't be able to come- as I have a really badly bruised right foot, so it makes sense.

Anyways, he gives me a list of people to call (it's so short that it's only two people), and he tells me to call/text them. Then, all of a sudden, he let's the bombshell drop- they suspended this person, and she didn't quit.

To say I was angry was a understatement as my sister, and my stepmother, are leaving for Disneyland on Friday, and I don't have another opportunity to see them until I get back from uni which is probably until Thanksgiving.

So this person, who is critical, to getting things done during my shifts, was suspended in this dire time of us needing people. I have been busting my ass of the last seven days for these heartless, soulless, fucks.

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