Honestly of ALL the things that could and should change about modern work culture and job employment in the 21st century is that employers should not give a flying fuck about someone's work gap history UNLESS there is an imminent reason for such i.e. such as doctors or lawyers that have jobs with constantly changing industry expectations or standards where being out of that industry risks being out of practice. Other than those types of positions, it should not fucking matter for a millisecond of thought on someone job application if they have a job gap of a month or a year. It's the easiest change to make as an employer that would positively benefit the whole workforce if we could comfortably feel like “hey I've saved up some money, and mentally need to stop working for a few months to better myself or to change careers”. How is this not more popular? I know people do this, but it's somewhat considered a “risk” to job take a break from working because you don't know if new applications for employment will negatively look at your job break as some kind of reason that they shouldn't hire you. It should have NO IMPACT.