
The American Dream is dead and everyone is dying with it

First off, apologies for format, mobile life. I’m almost at the end of my rope here, I’m not even sure where I went wrong or if I was set up to fail. I was told to do 2 things in life to live comfortably: get good grades in school and get your degree. The rest would fall in line. I did just that. Graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA and got a Bachelor’s degree in computer science. What do I have to show for it? A staggering about of bills, a pile of rejection letters that grows by the day, and an awful retail job where I get abused by customers and management alike for barely any pay. Everywhere I look, I see nothing but senior level roles, jobs that require 3+ years experience in professional settings, and non-paid volunteer positions. God I can’t even apply to internships, paid…

First off, apologies for format, mobile life.

I’m almost at the end of my rope here, I’m not even sure where I went wrong or if I was set up to fail. I was told to do 2 things in life to live comfortably: get good grades in school and get your degree. The rest would fall in line. I did just that. Graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA and got a Bachelor’s degree in computer science. What do I have to show for it? A staggering about of bills, a pile of rejection letters that grows by the day, and an awful retail job where I get abused by customers and management alike for barely any pay.

Everywhere I look, I see nothing but senior level roles, jobs that require 3+ years experience in professional settings, and non-paid volunteer positions. God I can’t even apply to internships, paid or otherwise, since they require school enrolment. Covid killed that option for me while I was in school, and I can’t afford to get a Master’s or a second Bachelor’s to risk not getting accepted.

I feel so lied to. Where are those amazing jobs I was promised after getting a degree? Where are the homes I was supposed to afford? What’s the point of paying tens of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper that isn’t doing me any good? How is literally anyone supposed to keep themselves alive like this? Money is running out and so is my sanity.

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The American Dream is dead and everyone is dying with it

First off, apologies for format, mobile life. I’m almost at the end of my rope here, I’m not even sure where I went wrong or if I was set up to fail. I was told to do 2 things in life to live comfortably: get good grades in school and get your degree. The rest would fall in line. I did just that. Graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA and got a Bachelor’s degree in computer science. What do I have to show for it? A staggering about of bills, a pile of rejection letters that grows by the day, and an awful retail job where I get abused by customers and management alike for barely any pay. Everywhere I look, I see nothing but senior level roles, jobs that require 3+ years experience in professional settings, and non-paid volunteer positions. God I can’t even apply to internships, paid…

First off, apologies for format, mobile life.

I’m almost at the end of my rope here, I’m not even sure where I went wrong or if I was set up to fail. I was told to do 2 things in life to live comfortably: get good grades in school and get your degree. The rest would fall in line. I did just that. Graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA and got a Bachelor’s degree in computer science. What do I have to show for it? A staggering about of bills, a pile of rejection letters that grows by the day, and an awful retail job where I get abused by customers and management alike for barely any pay.

Everywhere I look, I see nothing but senior level roles, jobs that require 3+ years experience in professional settings, and non-paid volunteer positions. God I can’t even apply to internships, paid or otherwise, since they require school enrolment. Covid killed that option for me while I was in school, and I can’t afford to get a Master’s or a second Bachelor’s to risk not getting accepted.

I feel so lied to. Where are those amazing jobs I was promised after getting a degree? Where are the homes I was supposed to afford? What’s the point of paying tens of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper that isn’t doing me any good? How is literally anyone supposed to keep themselves alive like this? Money is running out and so is my sanity.

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