
The antiwork movement is an attempt to undermine the American economy

Just kidding, thats 100% clickbait. Hello! I am an aging man. I love the antiwork movement and think it is a good direction for American workers. I came here to caution those of you who are still young (including late 20s and early 30s) and new to this movement. Make sure you have a backup plan. Now some folks already know this and do this: they believe in this movement but they reserve a safety net for themselves through working a steady job and saving (if possible). But there are some folks who see this movement and stop working, which only leads to their own financial suffering and demise. Again, not saying “hey dont be antiwork”. Im saying, “Hey lets keep the movement going, but make sure you are taking care of yourself too!” At the end of the day, we need to be a strong people. If we are…

Just kidding, thats 100% clickbait.

Hello! I am an aging man. I love the antiwork movement and think it is a good direction for American workers. I came here to caution those of you who are still young (including late 20s and early 30s) and new to this movement.

Make sure you have a backup plan.

Now some folks already know this and do this: they believe in this movement but they reserve a safety net for themselves through working a steady job and saving (if possible). But there are some folks who see this movement and stop working, which only leads to their own financial suffering and demise.

Again, not saying “hey dont be antiwork”. Im saying, “Hey lets keep the movement going, but make sure you are taking care of yourself too!”

At the end of the day, we need to be a strong people. If we are all broke, jobless, homeless, etc, our voices will be silenced amongst the winds howling through the alleys.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful future!

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