
The asshole you created

Let me start off by saying when I started my career in the trades. I was young and motivated, I wanted to learn everything. I’d get paid and immediately blew it on tools to make me a better and efficient worker. I met some good people who taught me stuff and met people I didn’t want to learn anything from. Fast forward 6 years I understand the process of a lot and can finish with higher quality then most. I asked my boss for top dollar which was basically what the rest of my crew was making, Only to be told I wasn’t worth that much YET, My employer stated “ you don’t have enough time in the industry to make that much” So basically “you value time over work ethic” you care more about time with the company then what I provide the company with production So then came…

Let me start off by saying when I started my career in the trades. I was young and motivated, I wanted to learn everything. I’d get paid and immediately blew it on tools to make me a better and efficient worker. I met some good people who taught me stuff and met people I didn’t want to learn anything from.

Fast forward 6 years I understand the process of a lot and can finish with higher quality then most. I asked my boss for top dollar which was basically what the rest of my crew was making, Only to be told I wasn’t worth that much YET,

My employer stated “ you don’t have enough time in the industry to make that much”
So basically “you value time over work ethic” you care more about time with the company then what I provide the company with production

So then came the agreement:
“3 months from now I will give u half of what u asked if all goes well”

Problem is my boss won’t let me learn more, I went from a great member in a A squad to B team water boy I haven’t been able to perfect what I already know and I have been tested with tasks outside of my expertise and have never been taught or shown how to do before I feel like I’m being punished

B TEAM attitude and work quality is shit they get mad no one wants to show any one or work like a team everyone’s mad all the time no communication

I have since lost if not All , I sure as shit have lost MOST of my motivation for this field and am deciding on changing careers I have since stopped working like I used to dropped a lot of responsibilities and I just don’t give a fuck anymore everyone’s wondering what happened to the push over and im just not friendly anymore

Does anyone else feel the same or am I just being a bitch

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