
The brainwashed attitudes of people.

I bet someone here met with similar situations. But people who themselves are in the shitty jobs are sometimes so pissed towards people who escape this 'system'. I don't even think they really know why themselves. One example (but there were more): My childhood friend, we have known each other since we were born and we are the same age. He was into art all his life and is very good at drawing and design. However, he was struggling badly trapped in low-paid jobs and with debts, because he took loans to pay rent and other stuff. So he was constantly trapped in those jobs for many hours, exhausted by them, paying off debts and then his confidence was dropping. His dream was to be a tattoo artist but he had no energy after working so much. He already was drawing good designs for those. At the same time, I…

I bet someone here met with similar situations. But people who themselves are in the shitty jobs are sometimes so pissed towards people who escape this 'system'. I don't even think they really know why themselves.

One example (but there were more):

My childhood friend, we have known each other since we were born and we are the same age. He was into art all his life and is very good at drawing and design. However, he was struggling badly trapped in low-paid jobs and with debts, because he took loans to pay rent and other stuff. So he was constantly trapped in those jobs for many hours, exhausted by them, paying off debts and then his confidence was dropping. His dream was to be a tattoo artist but he had no energy after working so much. He already was drawing good designs for those.

At the same time, I was living alternatively. Me and my best friend were squatting and skipping. So we didn't have to pay rent and we didn't have to pay for food and clothes we also skipped. So, basically living without money most of the time. In the squat many people were working and saving and, of course, it was a great place for networking as people were helping each other with jobs and, also, many people wanted tattoos! So I invited him to come over. Because I wanted him to see that the living conditions are good and basically he could change to part-time work, have more time and get the tattoo kit and start practising and also meet his first clients. He came and basically ROASTED us. He said we are lazy af, that this lifestyle is easy mode, lazy, no goals and so on. Because we didn't work hard and travelled and chilled… And he was basically all against it and very critical towards us and even mean.

Like… Man, we are trying to show you some way out? But you are so obsessed with 'lazy=bad' that I could not get through. Right now, I think lazy is good, back then I was a bit hurt by this. I felt like I need to justify my lifestyle and how it is 'productive'. Luckily I outgrew this.

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