
The campaign for “quiet cutting.”

I work in Human Resources, and subscribe to tons of organizations sending daily newsletters on HR-related issues. This morning I received one that says out-loud what we were all thinking: employers are using return-to-work orders to weed out disloyal employees, keep from losing money on their commercial real estate investments, and avoiding costly layoffs. These man-babies are showing their craven hands. They are looking for employees who are pliable, all while saving money on severance payouts and unemployment insurance they would have to pay during layoffs. Plus, they get to keep their real estate they use to leverage loans and capital purchases. I mean, it’s a win-win-win for them. Corporate greed is forcing employees back to work in order to ensure the power and money stays in the right place. tl;dr – corporations are exactly who we think they are

I work in Human Resources, and subscribe to tons of organizations sending daily newsletters on HR-related issues. This morning I received one that says out-loud what we were all thinking: employers are using return-to-work orders to weed out disloyal employees, keep from losing money on their commercial real estate investments, and avoiding costly layoffs.

These man-babies are showing their craven hands. They are looking for employees who are pliable, all while saving money on severance payouts and unemployment insurance they would have to pay during layoffs. Plus, they get to keep their real estate they use to leverage loans and capital purchases. I mean, it’s a win-win-win for them.

Corporate greed is forcing employees back to work in order to ensure the power and money stays in the right place.

tl;dr – corporations are exactly who we think they are

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