
The carrot is a lie

My father worked his entire life, mostly as a service guy at car dealerships, then later in aerospace manufacturing. Last year, at the age of 77, he was diagnosed with ALS. He never got to retire because the cost of living was too high and they needed health insurance for my disabled stepmother. He finally couldn't physically work anymore as of last month, and I have been scrambling to get him assistance to help them survive. No pension, no savings, 401k drained by the stock market, and a highly expensive disease that requires medications that Medicare won't pay for (the copay on one of his drugs is $1500 a month, over half of his social security payment). The lack of humanity in our current system is disgusting. We dangle the carrot of “when I retire I will do all the things I put off while I had to dedicate 2/3…

My father worked his entire life, mostly as a service guy at car dealerships, then later in aerospace manufacturing. Last year, at the age of 77, he was diagnosed with ALS. He never got to retire because the cost of living was too high and they needed health insurance for my disabled stepmother. He finally couldn't physically work anymore as of last month, and I have been scrambling to get him assistance to help them survive. No pension, no savings, 401k drained by the stock market, and a highly expensive disease that requires medications that Medicare won't pay for (the copay on one of his drugs is $1500 a month, over half of his social security payment). The lack of humanity in our current system is disgusting. We dangle the carrot of “when I retire I will do all the things I put off while I had to dedicate 2/3 of my life to making others rich”, but that day never comes for so many, and it is only going to get worse. Live your life now, while you can, and dismantle this cruel fucking system now.

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