
The charity / not for profit sector is godawful

Disillusioned UK charity worker here with a little list Crap wages – Live on pats on the back Crap managers – The only way to get a half decent wage is to get a promotion, don't worry you don't actually have to be good with people Crap recruitment – shoddy job descriptions, offer jobs that aren't funded yet, poor communication, HR seems incapable of reading the whole email you sent.. CEOs – the only ones on a decent wage but they are martyrs because they could get paid sooo much better in the private sector Mental health support – Better staffing? Training? Team meetings? Allocated time to actually wade through your emails? No chance! But here's a helpline and there's boardgames once a month in the meeting room. Do no evil? – Unregulated for the most part and do-gooders making it up as they go along, forget Safeguarding, basic training,…

Disillusioned UK charity worker here with a little list

Crap wages – Live on pats on the back

Crap managers – The only way to get a half decent wage is to get a promotion, don't worry you don't actually have to be good with people

Crap recruitment – shoddy job descriptions, offer jobs that aren't funded yet, poor communication, HR seems incapable of reading the whole email you sent..

CEOs – the only ones on a decent wage but they are martyrs because they could get paid sooo much better in the private sector

Mental health support – Better staffing? Training? Team meetings? Allocated time to actually wade through your emails? No chance! But here's a helpline and there's boardgames once a month in the meeting room.

Do no evil? – Unregulated for the most part and do-gooders making it up as they go along, forget Safeguarding, basic training, client confidentiality, even the disabled toilet hasn't got a working alarm cord in it!

Organised – roll with the chaos, never mind if you have caring responsibilities, a disability, or just want a good work life balance. We're too busy doing good yo care about our staff!

I know none of this is unique to the charity sector but there seems to be a bit of a lethal combination.

The only long termers I know working on the front line in the charity sector raise no issues, don't participate in team meetings, don't try to change ir improve anything – and why would you? Nothing's going to change anyway, save yourself the trouble

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