
The company I work for basically conned me into working more for no extra pay.

Just for some background, before my current job I was a barista for about 6 years mostly at Starbucks but at a couple smaller coffee shops too. I got hired as a barista at this small business about two years ago. I had some friends who worked here and said it was a great place to work but they all left shortly after I started and the owner sold the company right around the same time. I didn’t know it at the time but the people he sold to were a bunch of stupid jackasses. Shortly after I started my manager started telling me that if I switched to line cook I’d make more money so I did switch and 2 years later I’m still making the same pay. When I called my manager out on it he cut my hours. After that I almost quit but before I could…

Just for some background, before my current job I was a barista for about 6 years mostly at Starbucks but at a couple smaller coffee shops too.
I got hired as a barista at this small business about two years ago. I had some friends who worked here and said it was a great place to work but they all left shortly after I started and the owner sold the company right around the same time. I didn’t know it at the time but the people he sold to were a bunch of stupid jackasses.
Shortly after I started my manager started telling me that if I switched to line cook I’d make more money so I did switch and 2 years later I’m still making the same pay. When I called my manager out on it he cut my hours. After that I almost quit but before I could find another job that manager quit so I figured maybe he’d take his problems with him.
It’s been about a year since he quit and we’ve had a rotating door of managers since then and our most recent entry is actually one of the new owners (one of the aforementioned jackasses who bought the company around the time I started).
One of our guys has been working really hard trying to earn a promotion to management and everyone in the store feels like this owner robbed him of that position. Our new manager/owner is completely clueless with regards to how to run a business as well as how to work in a kitchen and yet insists on “helping” with everything around the store which generally consists of him trying to do what we ask him to for 30 seconds, failing, and then asking someone else to do it. He literally just stands around all day. This last week he started making our schedules and everyone is furious because he cut everyone’s hours.
A couple days ago my team lead (the guy who worked really hard and didn’t get the promotion) sat me down and basically told me that I need to “kiss more ass around here” literally his words. And I just smiled and nodded.
Yesterday, next weeks schedule comes out and my hours have been cut from 40 to 20 so I call up the owner/manager and ask why and he starts spouting nonsense about how the company Labor Day party had something to do with it and then also goes”also I think(team lead name removed) had a talk with you the other day so that has something to do with it.”
So basically my hours got cut because I don’t miss enough ass at my workplace. It’s a small business and I don’t think we even have an HR rep. Anyone know of anything I can do to fight for some peace in my workplace?

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