
The company let me go a month ago, so i left them on read.

So basically, a month ago my company “laid off” over 100 employees. No warning, just people being called into HR one by one and being told they no longer are welcome in the building, and immediately escorting them out by security. No one was allowed to get their personal belongings from their desk (managers were allowed to grab a few small things for you but you weren't allowed to go back to your desk). Not the 1st time it happened this year, but this was the biggest yet. I didn't survive this time. I've spent the last month applying for halfway decent jobs but haven't had much luck. Today out of nowhere, a manager friend of mine (not my manager) messaged me asking to help an employee that needs my assistance. I worked closely with his group so not unusual he needs something from me i suppose. They didn't have…

So basically, a month ago my company “laid off” over 100 employees. No warning, just people being called into HR one by one and being told they no longer are welcome in the building, and immediately escorting them out by security. No one was allowed to get their personal belongings from their desk (managers were allowed to grab a few small things for you but you weren't allowed to go back to your desk). Not the 1st time it happened this year, but this was the biggest yet. I didn't survive this time. I've spent the last month applying for halfway decent jobs but haven't had much luck.

Today out of nowhere, a manager friend of mine (not my manager) messaged me asking to help an employee that needs my assistance. I worked closely with his group so not unusual he needs something from me i suppose. They didn't have my number so they went through some searching to find a way to message me. That means it's really important or it's something that only I know. I can think of a few scenarios (internal/supplier audit questions, questions regarding my old projects, questions regarding a system only I have the login info for, etc) that requires my immediate attention, but I have no interest in helping the company. They unceremoniously laid me off. I know my manager friend wasn't involved in my getting laid off and he's treated me well while I worked there, but fuck the company. I opened the message and didn't reply. Simply just let them on read.

Iknow it's nothing too exciting, but they dug their own hole so it's time to lie in it.

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