
The company quality policy statement

I think this is probably the most degrading and insidious thing I've ever had to put up with at a job. We've got little quality policy statement signs posted all over the place where i work. Every year we have an audit, and the auditor almost always asks you what the company's quality policy is, and more specifically, what it means to you as an employee. Telling them that you couldn't care less about their dumb little mantra obviously won't go over well, that the truth is this is the only time of the year that I even think about it so i can rehearse telling them whatever it is they want to hear so i can end this interaction sooner. I'm just here to collect a paycheck, dude.

I think this is probably the most degrading and insidious thing I've ever had to put up with at a job. We've got little quality policy statement signs posted all over the place where i work. Every year we have an audit, and the auditor almost always asks you what the company's quality policy is, and more specifically, what it means to you as an employee.

Telling them that you couldn't care less about their dumb little mantra obviously won't go over well, that the truth is this is the only time of the year that I even think about it so i can rehearse telling them whatever it is they want to hear so i can end this interaction sooner. I'm just here to collect a paycheck, dude.

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