
The contrast between nations

Damn… Having followed this subreddit for a while, it has helped me realize how differently things work in the US compared to my home country of Sweden. I was recently working in logistics at a large DIY company and was actually enjoying the job, but then i was suddenly offered a paid internship over the summer at a company in the same field i am currently studying to get in to, and i just couldn't turn it down. I had never had a bad experience of quitting a job before, but considering the circumstances where i was brought in on a very short notice to the logistics department to cover peoples vacations over the summer (i had just before become unemployed due to not getting an extension at my previous workplace), i was dreading having that conversation with my boss… When we sat down and talked though, he was very…


Having followed this subreddit for a while, it has helped me realize how differently things work in the US compared to my home country of Sweden.

I was recently working in logistics at a large DIY company and was actually enjoying the job, but then i was suddenly offered a paid internship over the summer at a company in the same field i am currently studying to get in to, and i just couldn't turn it down.

I had never had a bad experience of quitting a job before, but considering the circumstances where i was brought in on a very short notice to the logistics department to cover peoples vacations over the summer (i had just before become unemployed due to not getting an extension at my previous workplace), i was dreading having that conversation with my boss…

When we sat down and talked though, he was very understanding and told me that of course i should accept it, and that i shouldn't feel any guilt about suddenly leaving. I promised him to work my ass off the last two weeks, because i wanted to leave on a positive note so i could potentially come back when the internship was finished.
As such, i will resume my work in the logistics department when my internship finishes in August, and me and my boss' work relationship is great!

The contrast to what i'm seeing here of people's experiences in the US is horrifying… I understand that this is probably not the case for the majority of people and companies, but damn… If a company behaved the same way in Sweden as they do in this subreddit, they would suffer a massive shitstorm from public outrage and unions cracking down

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