
The corporate dream

So I got this corporate gig. I hate it. Except I kinda don't and I hate myself for it. Let me start by saying I work in IT, this job is a small IT team (8 people) for a large company. The job entails 8 hour day, 1 hour lunch, 4 days in office one at home. The job itself was interesting as this team is newly formed, I was the last to be recruited and would finalise the team. I was told I was 'the experience needed to complete the team'. The team structure consists of: Manager > 2 shift leads > 5 staff The manager has no back bone and his job is basically to convey what the higher ups say. The shift leads (neither of which are IT qualified or experienced) hand out the work The staff do the work In my opinion, we need at least…

So I got this corporate gig. I hate it. Except I kinda don't and I hate myself for it.
Let me start by saying I work in IT, this job is a small IT team (8 people) for a large company. The job entails 8 hour day, 1 hour lunch, 4 days in office one at home. The job itself was interesting as this team is newly formed, I was the last to be recruited and would finalise the team. I was told I was 'the experience needed to complete the team'.
The team structure consists of: Manager > 2 shift leads > 5 staff
The manager has no back bone and his job is basically to convey what the higher ups say.
The shift leads (neither of which are IT qualified or experienced) hand out the work
The staff do the work

In my opinion, we need at least 8 grunts. The work load is immense, we can't catch up and are working behind constantly. They know this but the answer is a firm no. What does get to me is the micro management. We work from a ticketing system. The manager, the two shift leads, the managers manager, the director and another manager all leave notes on our tickets. Silly, pointless notes. Stuff like 'can you update this' when it was updated an hour ago, 'call the user' or my favourite 'see update' and then copy and paste my own notes to me? They have even now hired an apprentice who's job is to comb through our tickets.

Due to this, we are down to 3 grunts. One left due to stress, the other asked for 2 days working from home instead of 1 and got sacked for 'being a detractor'
The hypocrisy here is that one of our shift leads does literally nothing. They take a screen break of 10 minutes every hour. They regularly work from home, I probably see them twice a weeks. During the school holidays not at all. These 2 people are on the same contracts, same job description + ticket delegation, training and being escalation points. The last two I have never seen happen.

So why do I stay? I am the best on the team. I am regularly showered in praise and talk of 'big things' etc. I know I am being groomed and while I see through the BS. They have me in their net. Users always come to me, people escalate to me, colleagues come to me for help. I know its vain but just the slither of ego boost keeps me there. But it will never be enough to cover the fact that I wouldn't piss on the place if it was on fire. Fuck work.

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