
The Covid lockdowns were the best part of my life because I finally didnt have to work

I am sorry if you lost someone to Covid. I am sorry if it ruined your family busines or if you lost your job. I am sorry if you suffer from long Covid. But for me and probably Millions of other workers, the lockdowns were the best part of life. During the first Lockdown I had 3 Months of free time while getting paid. During the second lockdown I had HALF A YEAR of free time! This was the longest I had free time and didnt have to worry about money in my entire life. I managed to read – to cook and live healthy – to train – to meet with friends and family. I was finally able to live once in my life. Before that it was school/university/summerjobs and regular work. But that one short time, I had HALF A YEAR of total freedom where I didnt have…

I am sorry if you lost someone to Covid. I am sorry if it ruined your family busines or if you lost your job. I am sorry if you suffer from long Covid.

But for me and probably Millions of other workers, the lockdowns were the best part of life. During the first Lockdown I had 3 Months of free time while getting paid. During the second lockdown I had HALF A YEAR of free time! This was the longest I had free time and didnt have to worry about money in my entire life.

I managed to read – to cook and live healthy – to train – to meet with friends and family. I was finally able to live once in my life. Before that it was school/university/summerjobs and regular work. But that one short time, I had HALF A YEAR of total freedom where I didnt have to work and didnt had any other obligations. Its was beautiful. Why cant we work just 6 months a year and have the other 6 months off? People would be so much happier and productive if we did this.

Imagine even if you hated your job – you know after 6 months you have 6 months to regenerate – and everything becomes much more tolerable. The rich pigs live like this all the time AND can afford everything they desire. Its infuriating.

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