
The Director of Engineering flaked on an interview I was highly anticipating :(

hey guys this isn't really anti-work; but i believe relevant in that companies need to step-it-up =I was driving home from my job (1.5hrs each way commute) on a day i had not gotten sleep the night before. I get a random phone call from a Denver area code (want to move there) and had a 45 MINUTE CONVERSATION with a recruiter. He scheduled an interview later that week and told me if i had any questions to let him know. I didn't have any questions and just had “Friday at 4;30” playing in my head in anticipation all week. I log on to the Teams call and am just sitting there for 45-minutes! Granted I logged on at 4:02pm but like ?????? wut the fuck…. I noticed right now they had sent me a Google Calendar invite and email for the interview but I didnt really think I needed…

hey guys this isn't really anti-work; but i believe relevant in that companies need to step-it-up

=I was driving home from my job (1.5hrs each way commute) on a day i had not gotten sleep the night before. I get a random phone call from a Denver area code (want to move there) and had a 45 MINUTE CONVERSATION with a recruiter.

He scheduled an interview later that week and told me if i had any questions to let him know. I didn't have any questions and just had “Friday at 4;30” playing in my head in anticipation all week.

I log on to the Teams call and am just sitting there for 45-minutes! Granted I logged on at 4:02pm but like ?????? wut the fuck….

I noticed right now they had sent me a Google Calendar invite and email for the interview but I didnt really think I needed to accept that invite message? We had squared everything out on the phone why do i have to send another email


I really wanted to have a chance at this job man :/

would love to hear some takes on this from y'all

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