
The economy in the US and the west has become parasitic

There is a point at which the economy as a whole has become so parasitic that it’s extracting wealth and productivity from regular people and leaving them with nothing. What is the solution? Well this is my solution. It may or may not work for you but it works for me. I work multiple jobs and save and invest aggressively. That’s my solution. First/primary job is for bills and necessities Second job is to build savings Third job (consulting projects) is to build a nest egg to invest on the stock market and in real estate What is your work around? Moving to a tiny island off the coast of Africa or in Peru is not a feasible solution since millions of people can’t move there at once and it’s not practical.

There is a point at which the economy as a whole has become so parasitic that it’s extracting wealth and productivity from regular people and leaving them with nothing. What is the solution? Well this is my solution. It may or may not work for you but it works for me. I work multiple jobs and save and invest aggressively. That’s my solution.

First/primary job is for bills and necessities
Second job is to build savings
Third job (consulting projects) is to build a nest egg to invest on the stock market and in real estate

What is your work around? Moving to a tiny island off the coast of Africa or in Peru is not a feasible solution since millions of people can’t move there at once and it’s not practical.

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