
The Friday Night *Smile Meeting*

I like my school and I love my job as a science teacher. But every Friday afternoon, after the kids are gone, our principal insists in having us participating in a meeting where people write little anonymous thank you notes collected into a jar and read by the boss. Followed by some karaoke. I never go. And my boss never asked me or bother me about why I don't attend. He knows I'm good at my job, hence no one messes with me about this. Why the other faculties and tutors feel to gather for a pat on each other's back, a full hour extra at the end of rough weeks is beyond my comprehension.

I like my school and I love my job as a science teacher. But every Friday afternoon, after the kids are gone, our principal insists in having us participating in a meeting where people write little anonymous thank you notes collected into a jar and read by the boss. Followed by some karaoke.

I never go. And my boss never asked me or bother me about why I don't attend. He knows I'm good at my job, hence no one messes with me about this. Why the other faculties and tutors feel to gather for a pat on each other's back, a full hour extra at the end of rough weeks is beyond my comprehension.

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