
The history of work they don’t want you to know about

Mods – If this isn't allowed, please take it down. I don't watch YouTube very often, but there is a video called “Work.” By Historia Civilis my partner just showed me and it is so, so, so incredibly important. (It won't let me link to it, maybe it's because I'm on mobile -idk) I know 30 mins seems like a lot, but he talks slow and you can speed it up if you want to watch it faster. Show it to everyone you know. Your coworkers, your friends, your family. Please, if you do nothing else today, watch this video (even better if you're at work.) This is not how we're meant to live. Never in our evolutionary history have we worked 8+ hours a day. Hunter/ Gatherers worked about 4-6 hours per day, with 1 fast day followed by 1 slow day. Peasants in Medieval France has 49% of…

Mods – If this isn't allowed, please take it down.

I don't watch YouTube very often, but there is a video called “Work.” By Historia Civilis my partner just showed me and it is so, so, so incredibly important. (It won't let me link to it, maybe it's because I'm on mobile -idk)

I know 30 mins seems like a lot, but he talks slow and you can speed it up if you want to watch it faster. Show it to everyone you know. Your coworkers, your friends, your family. Please, if you do nothing else today, watch this video (even better if you're at work.)

This is not how we're meant to live. Never in our evolutionary history have we worked 8+ hours a day. Hunter/ Gatherers worked about 4-6 hours per day, with 1 fast day followed by 1 slow day.
Peasants in Medieval France has 49% of their days off. In Medieval England, that was 51%. We worked less in the winter because it's dark and cold and our bodies evolved to do less in the winter. We had 3.5 months off per year. Work started when the employees wanted to. Employer fed their workers multiple meals everyday. Workers took 2+ hour naps after lunch, like our bodies were meant to.

In the 1600s, that all changed. A capitalist began paying the churches to ring their bells at 4AM and 8PM everyday to tell people when to get up and when to go to bed, regardless of when the sun cam up. It got worse with the invention of the mechanical clock, which allowed capitalists to control our lives down to the minute. They would freeze the clocks, turn them back, and start them earlier so people would work more than 8,12,16 hour shifts. Industrialization and now the technology revolution was supposed to give us our time back. They're stealing even more of it from us. These are our lives! We're trading our precious time on this earth for ever inflationary money that can't even keep us fed or pay our rent!!!

This system is killing us. This is not the way we are supposed to live. We cannot keep acting like this is ok. Either we work together to fix it or we drown together and it blows up anyway.

Go watch the video. Be disgusted. Be outraged. Be empowered. We have a choice. Solidarity my fellow humans

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