
The idea of having to work depresses me

I've not long finished Uni and I have a job thats fairly paid and I only started a week ago but I just hate it, the day drags and I feel like I don't want to be there. I had a job about a month ago but quit because I kept getting talked down to by the management and swore at. I feel like money isn't a motivational factor at all for me, the only reasons I have a job is because I don't want to disappointed my parents and seem like a bum, and I don't want to go into poverty. I have to work for someone who tells me what to do all day for their personal gain even though i hate it. I'd much rather just live out my life in peace and enjoy my only life on this planet instead of spend 2/3rds of my waking…

I've not long finished Uni and I have a job thats fairly paid and I only started a week ago but I just hate it, the day drags and I feel like I don't want to be there. I had a job about a month ago but quit because I kept getting talked down to by the management and swore at. I feel like money isn't a motivational factor at all for me, the only reasons I have a job is because I don't want to disappointed my parents and seem like a bum, and I don't want to go into poverty. I have to work for someone who tells me what to do all day for their personal gain even though i hate it. I'd much rather just live out my life in peace and enjoy my only life on this planet instead of spend 2/3rds of my waking life at work until I'm 70. It genuinely depresses me that I have to do this until my body isnt physically able to anymore. I just don't understand how this is the world we live in and if we don't we are homeless and judged by society

My dad on the other hand lives for work, he sleeps, he works, he sleeps, he works. He never spends his money and he seems perfectly happy. I don't understand it.

Sorry for the rant, I know this post might seem stupid and get a bit of hate, it's just the way I feel about things.

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