
The idea of work

I was unemployed for 6 months and desperately wanted a job. I was broke but the freedom was enjoyable, but limited to going out. Now that I’ve found a fulltime job its not any better. Youre either broke, unemployed but free with lots of time, or making money, employed but not free with limited time. You can’t win. After work im too tired to do anything else. Its made just for 8 hours to be enough of what a working person can handle. Then its back home being too tired to work on a hobby, resorting to take out, then wasting the last 2 hours on tv before going back to bed and repeating it everyday. There has to be more to life than this. Ground hog day. I see thousands of cars on the freeway, day in day out. Nothing will change. Everyones commute is from home to work…

I was unemployed for 6 months and desperately wanted a job. I was broke but the freedom was enjoyable, but limited to going out. Now that I’ve found a fulltime job its not any better. Youre either broke, unemployed but free with lots of time, or making money, employed but not free with limited time. You can’t win. After work im too tired to do anything else. Its made just for 8 hours to be enough of what a working person can handle. Then its back home being too tired to work on a hobby, resorting to take out, then wasting the last 2 hours on tv before going back to bed and repeating it everyday. There has to be more to life than this. Ground hog day. I see thousands of cars on the freeway, day in day out. Nothing will change. Everyones commute is from home to work to home. This whole earth yet youre confined in your own work journey. Like a jail. How are people complacent with this lifestyle? Its just shit. Whats even worse is we then complain about wanting a better lifestyle, or seeing people travel or doing what they love. But theres no time to do that after a long days work. We the people fuel those in the entertainment world. Consumers to creators. Wanting to get out of a 9-5 and day dreamjng about the business but then spend time watching sports tv or streaming rather than focusing on improving yourself to better a lifestyle. The weekends are made to just distract us from a long dreaded week, 2 days that we end up going out or being distracted because focusing on ourselves is the last thing we have time for. People will say youre insane for keeping your weekends to your hobby to improve yourself. Its all a competition.

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