
The job market has been horrible this year.

[Rant] Hope nobody is in the same situation. But so far the job market has been a nightmare this year. After the first call recruiters take forever to say no and keep opening the same position over and over. They never explain why they reject me and when I ask they say “Oh it was a subtle difference between the other candidates, it is hard to tell” like, ok? What a waste of time to do multiple assessments and investing time and energy for a lame answer like that, after you give your best. Then the jobs that are left are with companies with a bad culture, exploited employees and bad salaries (ex: Do the job of a senior for a junior salary). Do you think the job market is going to keep going downhill? Or is there some hope soon?

[Rant] Hope nobody is in the same situation. But so far the job market has been a nightmare this year. After the first call recruiters take forever to say no and keep opening the same position over and over. They never explain why they reject me and when I ask they say “Oh it was a subtle difference between the other candidates, it is hard to tell” like, ok? What a waste of time to do multiple assessments and investing time and energy for a lame answer like that, after you give your best.

Then the jobs that are left are with companies with a bad culture, exploited employees and bad salaries (ex: Do the job of a senior for a junior salary).

Do you think the job market is going to keep going downhill? Or is there some hope soon?

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