
The job market is insane

I've been jobless for over a month now (got fired for “attendance issues” despite always getting time off approved & always bringing in a doctor's note when needed) and have applied to at least 30 jobs in the last 2 weeks now. I can't believe the amount of work these people want you to do just for pennies. The only job that's gotten back to me is over an hour drive away into the city commuting during rush hour both ways for just $10 an hour. I'd be lucky if I made enough to cover rent and gas if I took it, not even enough for groceries. And don't even get me started on the amount of “entry level” jobs that want at least 5 year's experience and an associate's degree. Feeling really discouraged and honestly a little scared for the future. Good luck to all of those out there…

I've been jobless for over a month now (got fired for “attendance issues” despite always getting time off approved & always bringing in a doctor's note when needed) and have applied to at least 30 jobs in the last 2 weeks now. I can't believe the amount of work these people want you to do just for pennies. The only job that's gotten back to me is over an hour drive away into the city commuting during rush hour both ways for just $10 an hour. I'd be lucky if I made enough to cover rent and gas if I took it, not even enough for groceries. And don't even get me started on the amount of “entry level” jobs that want at least 5 year's experience and an associate's degree.

Feeling really discouraged and honestly a little scared for the future. Good luck to all of those out there job searching along with me, hoping we all find something worth our while.

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