
The last straw

So I'm a young guy working in an older “good ol boy” field of work. I'm a construction superintendent for a rather large company. Last year we finished 403 houses, the cheapest being $545,000, so it's not like my company lacks funds. Also I've been with this company for 3 years I'm constantly discriminated against due to my age (I'm 22) because apparently I don't know how a house should be built, or any codes, or how to read plans, or anything. I'm also underpaid at 40k, talking to other supers, in the same company, that do the same job as myself the closest pay to mine is a 20k difference, and I have 2 more years experience in the field/company over him. Those always weigh on me, but there's also the fact that I've “hit my max amount I can earn in bonuses thus year” when previously there was…

So I'm a young guy working in an older “good ol boy” field of work. I'm a construction superintendent for a rather large company. Last year we finished 403 houses, the cheapest being $545,000, so it's not like my company lacks funds. Also I've been with this company for 3 years

I'm constantly discriminated against due to my age (I'm 22) because apparently I don't know how a house should be built, or any codes, or how to read plans, or anything. I'm also underpaid at 40k, talking to other supers, in the same company, that do the same job as myself the closest pay to mine is a 20k difference, and I have 2 more years experience in the field/company over him.

Those always weigh on me, but there's also the fact that I've “hit my max amount I can earn in bonuses thus year” when previously there was no issue. Then I announced i was getting married and taking a week off work 6 months in advance. My coworkers at this point decided that me taking 1 week off in 3 years was sacrilegious and that I'm just lazy and don't care about my work. All this because the project manager “did my job, was the options coordinator, drew plans, did permits, trained/hired, and found trades” for 6 years with no vacation. Anyways the day I get back to work from vacation I get backend responsibilities dropped onto me due to a backend super quitting. I asked about an increase in pay for the extra responsibility they dropped on my shoulders. Their response was “we will base your pay off your performance”.

It is what it is, or so I thought until they drop training the new backend super on my shoulders as well. So I'm expected to run 23 houses currently from permit to buyer move in. All this while training someone, being underpaid/under valued, discriminated against by trades for my age, keep the track spotless, make my meetings, and deal with snarky comments of how my performance is slipping. Well I wonder fuckin why. I'm supposed to be a front end (permits to drywall) only guy with no involvement in training new hires.

Fuck this shit man I'm thinking of walking in tomorrow, dropping my shit off in the office, and going home. I've already registered for emt classes and was planning to do them while working as well, but fuck that.

Thanks for reading my rant, just had to get it out there. I hope everyone has a fantastic rest of their week!

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