
The multi billion dollar company I work for is now requiring us to pay to work for them

No advice needed here just coming here to rant a bit, basically the title says it all. I’ve been working private security for a little over a year now and all the benefits that they had when I first came on board are pretty much all gone. Our $75 monthly stipend for gas got thrown away, OT is completely gone, and now I learned the other day that they’re snatching money from our paychecks to pay for our license to be able to work (previously covered 100% by the company) to the point where, despite having a higher wage now, I’m making less than what I did because of that deduction. It’s just crazy to me that a company that makes so much money feels the need to basically make its employees have to pay them to be able to work for them, especially when previously it was completely covered…

No advice needed here just coming here to rant a bit, basically the title says it all. I’ve been working private security for a little over a year now and all the benefits that they had when I first came on board are pretty much all gone. Our $75 monthly stipend for gas got thrown away, OT is completely gone, and now I learned the other day that they’re snatching money from our paychecks to pay for our license to be able to work (previously covered 100% by the company) to the point where, despite having a higher wage now, I’m making less than what I did because of that deduction. It’s just crazy to me that a company that makes so much money feels the need to basically make its employees have to pay them to be able to work for them, especially when previously it was completely covered by them. Pot of gold at the end of this story though is my site supervisor told me our job site was being taken over by another company pretty soon and that they’re looking to onboard all currently staffed members here from our current company to theirs. So I’ll be able to wash my hands of this money snatching company here very soon. Fuck em.

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