
The “One-Way Interview :)”

Rant: It's such fucking bullshit. It's just an extension of the application I already sent you. It's advertised as “mutually beneficial” because employers don't have to fucking show up (Duh) and “interviewees” can complete it “on their own time” like bish wtf u mean my own time? like if I wait 2 weeks to fill it out there's still gonna be a job opportunity for me? /rant This post is more than a rant though. Have any of you received one of these “invitations” to, for those who don't know what this is, just answer interview questions on your own through awkward video recordings as a BS preliminary round to an actual first interview? I am considering saying something like “Hi, no thank you, would you still like to interview me?” or something. Regardless I'm not doing the one-way flippin interview. You could say “hey but you just spent 5…

Rant: It's such fucking bullshit. It's just an extension of the application I already sent you. It's advertised as “mutually beneficial” because employers don't have to fucking show up (Duh) and “interviewees” can complete it “on their own time” like bish wtf u mean my own time? like if I wait 2 weeks to fill it out there's still gonna be a job opportunity for me? /rant

This post is more than a rant though. Have any of you received one of these “invitations” to, for those who don't know what this is, just answer interview questions on your own through awkward video recordings as a BS preliminary round to an actual first interview? I am considering saying something like “Hi, no thank you, would you still like to interview me?” or something. Regardless I'm not doing the one-way flippin interview. You could say “hey but you just spent 5 min writing a post, multiply that by 6 and u have the time it'd take…” Nah. kthxbai

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