
The power dynamics between the interviewer vs interviewee need to change

I was thinking about getting a new job recently and I started to think how the employer garnishes so much power over the interviewee. The same over used questions –why do you want to work here, why would you be a good fit, name a time you handled conflict well, what makes you qualified– and for the most part we answer those questions in a position of necessity. I just think it should be a little bit more even, for instance, if I was to go work in my small town I would like to know what that potental employer can offer me, and why should I take time out of my day to work for him/her. I guess it hardly works that way because there's probably plenty of people willing to work for this hypothetical employer, and there's one of him. It's like a supply and demand thing. Maybe…

I was thinking about getting a new job recently and I started to think how the employer garnishes so much power over the interviewee. The same over used questions –why do you want to work here, why would you be a good fit, name a time you handled conflict well, what makes you qualified– and for the most part we answer those questions in a position of necessity.

I just think it should be a little bit more even, for instance, if I was to go work in my small town I would like to know what that potental employer can offer me, and why should I take time out of my day to work for him/her. I guess it hardly works that way because there's probably plenty of people willing to work for this hypothetical employer, and there's one of him. It's like a supply and demand thing.

Maybe the answer is to just work for ourselves and break free from having to kiss ass to some pos looking to hire. Or I imagine if you climbed your way up the ladder so to speak and your skills are so in demand that the playing field becomes more even. Now employers are chasing you.

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