
The reduction of middle income is crushing us small businesses

To start off so I don't get downvoted into oblivion, I'm a small business owner ( always under 7 employees) in Canada Tldr; small business have to reduce staff and shut down cause of the overwhelming cost of existing and can't support their community I grew up in the town I live in, and haven't been able to buy a house as a business owner, so instead I decided to focus on building my companies and giving jobs that paid better than average to support my community. The last two years during covid were good to my businesses, allowed us to grow from 1 employee to 7. I tried to go above and beyond for my staff, paying 5$ over area wages, salaries to keep them employed during the slow months, really good Healthcare… But this year, things are dropping while the prices of everything are growing. I've had to…

To start off so I don't get downvoted into oblivion, I'm a small business owner ( always under 7 employees) in Canada

Tldr; small business have to reduce staff and shut down cause of the overwhelming cost of existing and can't support their community

I grew up in the town I live in, and haven't been able to buy a house as a business owner, so instead I decided to focus on building my companies and giving jobs that paid better than average to support my community. The last two years during covid were good to my businesses, allowed us to grow from 1 employee to 7. I tried to go above and beyond for my staff, paying 5$ over area wages, salaries to keep them employed during the slow months, really good Healthcare…

But this year, things are dropping while the prices of everything are growing. I've had to lay off two staff members permanently, and I'm selling my other two small businesses. I can barely afford to operate and cover costs, never mind pay myself and advance my own life for my family. The house prices have consistently gone up to where a 3 bedroom 40yo house on a small lot is 750k, and alot of our clientele are trying to save money themselves causing a huge revenue loss.

20-30 years ago, a small business could thrive and have a small and happy existence, and now the economy and the price gouging of everything has mad it so its almost impossible to maintain a small community based / service based company.

Once my landlord demo's my house, I'll be leaving the town I grew up, supported, and know people in, to move far away to somewhere cheaper, and it pisses me off to no end. I'll be selling off my last business by then.
I can't buy a house
I can't create long lasting job security for people
I can't afford growth
I can barely afford groceries…..

The line between the very wealthy and the rest of us is getting so thick and distant, it's disgusting and it makes me so very angry…
I spent 8 years building up myself and my little business to try and give back to my community and make a content life for myself, all for it to be for nothing. This crushing has lost 7 good jobs in my community, and nothing can be done about it. I'm 31, indebted, no house, no security myself…..

Just wanted to rant so thanks for listening.

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