
The secret why riches get richer and you get poorer

Hi, This is first time i am writing on reddit and want to give you something to think about: The rich guy buys a big land in nowhere lets say for 1000$. You pay the tax to your government in different ways. Government makes roads, parks, subway and etc around that land, now the land worth 100000$. But the land did not produce anything so what happened? Nothing special, the land value increased by the money you paid. So basically your money got transferred to the rich guy. Same story for remote work vs RTO arguments, you pay the gas, your vehicle deprecate, and etc so again the white collar money is getting transferred to those wealthy commercial real estate owners. As George Carlin says: “It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!” ​


This is first time i am writing on reddit and want to give you something to think about:

The rich guy buys a big land in nowhere lets say for 1000$. You pay the tax to your government in different ways. Government makes roads, parks, subway and etc around that land, now the land worth 100000$. But the land did not produce anything so what happened? Nothing special, the land value increased by the money you paid. So basically your money got transferred to the rich guy.

Same story for remote work vs RTO arguments, you pay the gas, your vehicle deprecate, and etc so again the white collar money is getting transferred to those wealthy commercial real estate owners.

As George Carlin says: “It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!


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