
The self-inflicted crisis in healthcare

Here in California I hear constantly about the staffing shortages in the healthcare arena. I’m here to say that this is absolute BS, and that it is, in fact, a self-inflicted crisis. I am an experienced (16 years) paramedic who finally had enough and decided to get off the ambulance. I’m experienced as an educator, preceptor and field training officer with quite a few extra certifications to my name, and I thought that it would be easy to find a job with one of the several hospitals in my area. I hear constantly that they don’t have enough techs in any number of areas (ER, tele, surgery, anesthesia etc.) and figured I’d be a shoo-in for any one of those jobs, particularly because I’m fairly well known and well regarded. Yet here I am, seven months later, still trying to find a job. I’m fortunate that my partner is able…

Here in California I hear constantly about the staffing shortages in the healthcare arena. I’m here to say that this is absolute BS, and that it is, in fact, a self-inflicted crisis.

I am an experienced (16 years) paramedic who finally had enough and decided to get off the ambulance. I’m experienced as an educator, preceptor and field training officer with quite a few extra certifications to my name, and I thought that it would be easy to find a job with one of the several hospitals in my area. I hear constantly that they don’t have enough techs in any number of areas (ER, tele, surgery, anesthesia etc.) and figured I’d be a shoo-in for any one of those jobs, particularly because I’m fairly well known and well regarded.

Yet here I am, seven months later, still trying to find a job. I’m fortunate that my partner is able to support me as I go through this journey, but to be honest I’m about to call it quits and leave healthcare altogether after what I’ve experienced.

Nearly 100 applications later I’ve gotten nothing except blanket rejections from every facility and every position I’ve applied for. Not that they’re hiring anyone else, mind you…. One hospital has been perpetually trying to hire for multiple positions that I’m qualified for and I’ve been rejected every time, only to see the same jobs posted again and again. I’ve spoken with the managers there who encourage me to apply again (“We’ll be looking for your app! We still need 8 ER techs!”) and literally every time I apply I’m met with an automated rejection notice by the end of the day.

Finally last week I got an offer for an interview which really got me excited. I prepped and felt good about it… only to get fucking ghosted by them. I sat staring at the computer, waiting for my interview to start for a full hour before I finally gave up. No communication from them whatsoever, and no response at all from HR despite several emails and phone calls. Another brick wall.

So I guess I’m done hearing about how short staffed our hospitals are and how they wish they could attract qualified applicants. I know I’m not alone, as several of my colleagues have had the same results, and it’s left us all scratching our heads.


The hospitals can quit their whining about being short staffed, because they’ve got applicants; they just can’t stop stepping on their own dicks long enough to hire anyone.

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