
The stress of working at a Pro-Israel company

I am going to preface this by saying I am 100% behind Palestinian liberation. I work for a jewish owned non-profit organization. Since the Israel-Hamas war started my job has gotten become unbearably stressful. The work itself has not changed, but every day my boss send out 2 emails: one is the company newsletter (something I intentionally didn't subscribe to) and a email talking about how they are upping the security at our worksites despite their being “no active threat made against the community” The newsletter is full of pro-Israel propaganda. Every lie you've heard from mass media is in that newsletter. A lot of it pertains to dead or kidnapped children, including pictures of these children with captions like “Will they ever be able to smile again?” Our organization mainly works with children, so I have no idea why my boss thinks its appropriate to send these. The emails…

I am going to preface this by saying I am 100% behind Palestinian liberation. I work for a jewish owned non-profit organization. Since the Israel-Hamas war started my job has gotten become unbearably stressful. The work itself has not changed, but every day my boss send out 2 emails: one is the company newsletter (something I intentionally didn't subscribe to) and a email talking about how they are upping the security at our worksites despite their being “no active threat made against the community”

The newsletter is full of pro-Israel propaganda. Every lie you've heard from mass media is in that newsletter. A lot of it pertains to dead or kidnapped children, including pictures of these children with captions like “Will they ever be able to smile again?” Our organization mainly works with children, so I have no idea why my boss thinks its appropriate to send these.

The emails about security essentially boil down to fear mongering. “There is no threat, but WATCH OUT” which is increasingly funny because if our, once again, non-profit organization that primarily helps children didn't throw their hat into the ring of a war halfway around the world we wouldn't have to worry at all.

Realistically, I know I am in no more danger than I was before the war started, but we now have an armed guard, new security system, and police coming in to “sweep the building” DURING BUSINESS HOURS. We have run 3 lockdown drills in the past 2 weeks. We can no longer take the children for walks because its too dangerous, but there's no threat, right?

There are no way to tell what is in the emails because they are sent from her personal email and have subject lines like “Important: Please Read” or simply “Hello.” I can't block her because she also sends out the schedule and actually important updates from that email.

I am paid $15/hr. Not enough to fear for my life over. Everyday I go into work thinking it could be my last day on earth. Its a fear that I've had for a long time, but it was a personal fear. The building I work at is less than 2 miles from where a white supremacist carried out an attack recently. Now my boss is telling us to not let the stress get to us and in the same breath calling an armed extremist group dogs and subhuman and shoving picture of violence in our faces.

I plan on talking to my boss, expressing my frustration, and most likely quitting.

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