
The thing that drives me crazy about modern work culture

It's that there is this unspoken expectation that you treat your job like it is something more than an exchange of services. I am selling my labor to you for money that I require for my survival, nothing more. Sure, it may be true during past generations that there was some loyalty based on an interpersonal relationship with your employer but now that workers rights have been all but destroyed, our wages are below the cost of living, and any idea of an employer “sharing their wealth” is completely gone, we are engaged in nothing more than a mutual contract: You need my services, I need money. I just hate how we have to participate in these “team building” things, or pretend that I “like” the people I work around, or act like the companies profits or goals have anything to do with me. When I worked in retail they…

It's that there is this unspoken expectation that you treat your job like it is something more than an exchange of services. I am selling my labor to you for money that I require for my survival, nothing more. Sure, it may be true during past generations that there was some loyalty based on an interpersonal relationship with your employer but now that workers rights have been all but destroyed, our wages are below the cost of living, and any idea of an employer “sharing their wealth” is completely gone, we are engaged in nothing more than a mutual contract: You need my services, I need money. I just hate how we have to participate in these “team building” things, or pretend that I “like” the people I work around, or act like the companies profits or goals have anything to do with me. When I worked in retail they used to send out the sales for the day at the end of every shift like I gave a fuck or that it mattered to my life in the slightest. It's patronizing to have to smile when I hear a an arbitrary number. I can't stand this anymore.

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