
The thought of having to work every day for the next 50+ years makes me not wanna live anymore

Hello, I'm 24 and I hate my life right now. I wake up before dawn, go to my shitty retail job, sell overpriced shit to old people who don't need it all day, they yell at me, the managers yell at me, the company hates us. Then I go home, try to relax for an hour, then make dinner, clean up, sit for maybe another hour, then go to bed and do it again. I've been there over 2 years and can't get a raise even though I'm the hardest worker there. But every other job around me pays even less. I have no college degree but even if I got one it seems like this is life for everybody. Wake up, work, eat, clean, sleep, work, repeat. Forever. For decades and decades and decades and everything is the same and the monotony and futility of it doesn't bother anybody?…

Hello, I'm 24 and I hate my life right now. I wake up before dawn, go to my shitty retail job, sell overpriced shit to old people who don't need it all day, they yell at me, the managers yell at me, the company hates us. Then I go home, try to relax for an hour, then make dinner, clean up, sit for maybe another hour, then go to bed and do it again.

I've been there over 2 years and can't get a raise even though I'm the hardest worker there. But every other job around me pays even less. I have no college degree but even if I got one it seems like this is life for everybody. Wake up, work, eat, clean, sleep, work, repeat. Forever. For decades and decades and decades and everything is the same and the monotony and futility of it doesn't bother anybody? Nobody seems to care?

By the time I get paid anyway about 80% of my checks go immediately to bills so I don't even have any money to buy myself anything, save up to elevate my position financially, go anywhere, do anything etc. I just work to survive and survive to work, that's it. I'm here because I am.

It drives me crazy every day that this is it, this is essentially the climax of life, just going to work every day. For most people, that's it. And you don't ever get the pay you deserve because executives make like 300x what employees do to sit on their asses all day. Most of America thinks that's how it should be too. Raising anyone's wages gets even a poor person defensive and says no, the rich guy deserves a 7th yacht.

The best thing you can look forward to is having kids? I don't want kids, ever. I don't want to make them suffer in the same ways I have, and with climate change the world will only get worse for their generation. What is there to do then? Keep working and begging and pleading on your knees to be paid what you're worth just to be laughed at?

I have to work every holiday and weekend while my boss gets all holidays and weekends off, I'm still expected to answer the phone on my days off to come in, and if I'm lucky I get a WEEK of vacation a year. Very generous.

I don't care if you say I sound like a fucking zoomer but I literally never asked to be born and now I have to work to feed myself every single day? If I could choose to undo my birth I would, trust me. But i can't. Everyone says toughen up that's life but what if I can't?

I've been talking to my therapist about this and the only thing he can seem to come up with is what better job I might like to have compared to my current one, but the fact is NONE. I don't want to do this. Any job just means abusing your body so an executive can get rich, not to benefit yourself. You will NEVER be paid what you're worth at any job.

It all feels so hopeless and meaningless and stupid I don't want to do this for fucking 60 more years

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