
The tides are turning

I think people are finally starting to realize that for all those “essential” jobs you don't want the workers to get better pay is finally biting people in the ass. Between low quality service and food quality it's been more lack luster as of late. You know why? It's because these places finally have been losing their good employees and at this point are just putting anyone in to fill the position. Will we see changes though to encourage good employees to come back to work for “essential” jobs? We'll see!

I think people are finally starting to realize that for all those “essential” jobs you don't want the workers to get better pay is finally biting people in the ass. Between low quality service and food quality it's been more lack luster as of late. You know why? It's because these places finally have been losing their good employees and at this point are just putting anyone in to fill the position. Will we see changes though to encourage good employees to come back to work for “essential” jobs? We'll see!

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