
The tolerance of HR at this company baffles me… my poor team

Hey guys! I will disclose that I do have a manager role at a high stress company, but for the most part I have an amazing team… except one. And HR continues to accommodate their bullshit and it is negatively affecting my team as a whole. I am angry but also feel like I am posting on my team’s behalf. My assistant manager was offered the job by our supervisor with the hours obviously being disclosed. There is documented proof of this. Once hired, all of a sudden, she is claiming that she was never given the hours and is demanding accommodation. I told staffing no because this will negatively impact my team. If one person works less, the rest of us have to pick up the slack. HR figured we should give her a chance. My team is obviously very upset because they all show up for their schedules,…

Hey guys! I will disclose that I do have a manager role at a high stress company, but for the most part I have an amazing team… except one. And HR continues to accommodate their bullshit and it is negatively affecting my team as a whole. I am angry but also feel like I am posting on my team’s behalf.
My assistant manager was offered the job by our supervisor with the hours obviously being disclosed. There is documented proof of this. Once hired, all of a sudden, she is claiming that she was never given the hours and is demanding accommodation. I told staffing no because this will negatively impact my team. If one person works less, the rest of us have to pick up the slack. HR figured we should give her a chance. My team is obviously very upset because they all show up for their schedules, call out in a timely manner if needed, and get all their work done within reason. Like I said, they are a great team.
It is not their job to do the assistant’s manager’s job, however they have seen how stressed I am and have offered to help and have all been life savers. But like I said, that’s not THEIR job, but they’re going above and beyond. I can now see the stress this has put on them.
The new assistant manager never finishes their job expectations, complains about how things are ran, and frequently calls off in the middle of the night.
I am the manager, but I have no real power when it comes to accountability. I can only document things and send things to HR. They rarely approve write ups or terminations. I’ve talked to this new assistant manager and have gone out of my way to help them finish tasks while I fall behind on my duties. My staff HATE this assistant. They have shown me group texts between them just talking shit, but it’s expressing frustrations.
So before we get to the real kicker of what HR will accommodate for a single person at the expense of everyone else, let’s review:
– they can’t make their expected schedule
– they miss all deadlines, forget passwords, and blame everyone else
– my staff and I have extra work to pick up for their slack
– they frequently call off in the middle of the night (I have a deal with my staff that I will approve all time off if they give me a week’s notice, although I understand shit happens so we rarely have call offs outside of the assistant).
Well now, my staff have informed me that the assistant manager is not opening for them. They have to open and she shows up an hour late. I checked her timecard…. She clocks in 1-2 hours before she actually shows up. Literally timecard theft. But also this gives my AM staff more work that is not in their job description.
I report this to my supervisor and she says there’s not much they can do without proof. My AM staff obtain proof. HR is just like ehh, still not much we can do.
Wtf?! My staff and I are DROWNING. I’m lucky they haven’t quit! I would understand if they did leave. My team deserves better than this. HR should AT LEAST give them a raise! I asked if they could get one and they said nope the company doesn’t offer raises.
Shit like this is why companies lose good employees.

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