
The Underachievers Manifesto

I once read a short book by a medical doctor called The Underachievers Manifesto. It was a fun read and I decided to implement it. Well, years later I’ve received all the promotions I would have wanted, don’t do too much work except for meetings that I keep as short as possible and usually nap in the afternoon from 2-4pm. I never work weekends and Fridays are like days off for me. Once you grasp the concept of being an underachiever a world of freedom at work awaits. Basically, do your job really well, but only do the bare minimum required to do it well, and also delegate. Delegation makes other’s feel important and needed, doing the bare minimum frees you up to practice your begleri tricks in the office and everyone hates a know-it-all so make it out that it was someone else’s bright idea. Obviously, this cannot work…

I once read a short book by a medical doctor called The Underachievers Manifesto. It was a fun read and I decided to implement it.

Well, years later I’ve received all the promotions I would have wanted, don’t do too much work except for meetings that I keep as short as possible and usually nap in the afternoon from 2-4pm.

I never work weekends and Fridays are like days off for me.

Once you grasp the concept of being an underachiever a world of freedom at work awaits.

Basically, do your job really well, but only do the bare minimum required to do it well, and also delegate.

Delegation makes other’s feel important and needed, doing the bare minimum frees you up to practice your begleri tricks in the office and everyone hates a know-it-all so make it out that it was someone else’s bright idea.

Obviously, this cannot work for all jobs, but anything that requires a computer can be automated. I also keep ahead of my industry research, I know more than anyone on the subject I’m a professional at and I do tests to prove that knowledge.

Remember it’s knowing what the problem is that earns you the big moola. Not how hard you work on that problem.

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