
The US economy is done

The problem is we are in late-stage capitalism and Biden refuses to acknowledge that. Without intervention from the government, things will continue to worsen. The reason other capitalist economies (like the UK for example) are able to sustain themselves is because they have a robust network of functional social services. The US doesn't have national healthcare, demonizes the poor, prides itself on an unregulated free market, and denies it's citizens disability benefits most of the time. Jobs aren't secure here whatsoever, unlike other places, and unemployment benefits in all states end too soon. People are taught to blame themselves for their failures and blame others for theirs, they have no compassion for themselves or for others. This stems from the hyper-capitalist protestant work ethic. People care more about being “right” as opposed to wanting better for others and themselves, though, which again comes from selfishness and lack of self-awareness. Evicting…

The problem is we are in late-stage capitalism and Biden refuses to acknowledge that. Without intervention from the government, things will continue to worsen. The reason other capitalist economies (like the UK for example) are able to sustain themselves is because they have a robust network of functional social services. The US doesn't have national healthcare, demonizes the poor, prides itself on an unregulated free market, and denies it's citizens disability benefits most of the time. Jobs aren't secure here whatsoever, unlike other places, and unemployment benefits in all states end too soon.

People are taught to blame themselves for their failures and blame others for theirs, they have no compassion for themselves or for others. This stems from the hyper-capitalist protestant work ethic. People care more about being “right” as opposed to wanting better for others and themselves, though, which again comes from selfishness and lack of self-awareness.

Evicting people is way too easy and fast and renters have very few rights. Given that, without any assistance from the current administration were on a fast track to hell. Biden supporters usually tend to care more about being “right” instead of wanting a better system for themselves or their fellow citizens. Americans are arrogant, ignorant and disrespectful so they will wrongfully assume I'm saying to vote for trump.

They'll intentionally misunderstand me but what I'm trying to convey is that no matter who you vote for youre losing by playing a game designed to make us fail. But most Americans are horrible people so they don't deserve any better. I do, which is why I'm leaving. To the people who stay and defend Biden/ trump/ America, just remember this country is a sinking ship that lives and breathes cruelty and your fellow citizens don't give a shit about you either. Don't fall for the myth that every country is just as bad.

America is NOT the world, it's just humanity at its absolute worst. There is no utopia but almost anywhere else is far better.

America is the only country that abuses and dehumanizes poor homeless and disabled people to this extent. You won't find the American dream here or anywhere else because it's a myth and a self-fulfilling prophecy. But if you want a better life for yourself and aren't an empty person chasing monetary wealth, you will find happiness elsewhere.

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