
The way we move, no kids for any of us

I am serious. I am 22, and just moved out. I earn 2k a month, work 2 jobs, live with 3 roommates, and half of my paychecks go to rent and bills. I do not buy fresh groceries unless I see a bogo, I recently bought clothes for my interview for pharmacy school, but I buy NOTHING. Nothing, nada zip, and I still barely scrap by. I spend around 200 for food and other necessities as I recently moved in, but this is it. I am lucky that I was gifted a car, but man, I look at my parents (they have 2 younger kids), and they can barely cover anything. My brother’s daycare costs 1400$ a MONTH. the government funded daycare is literally a hazard and out of option. Like jesus christ. The rent for a studio in my area is the same price, imagine paying another monthly rent…

I am serious.
I am 22, and just moved out. I earn 2k a month, work 2 jobs, live with 3 roommates, and half of my paychecks go to rent and bills. I do not buy fresh groceries unless I see a bogo, I recently bought clothes for my interview for pharmacy school, but I buy NOTHING.
Nothing, nada zip, and I still barely scrap by. I spend around 200 for food and other necessities as I recently moved in, but this is it.
I am lucky that I was gifted a car, but man, I look at my parents (they have 2 younger kids), and they can barely cover anything. My brother’s daycare costs 1400$ a MONTH. the government funded daycare is literally a hazard and out of option.
Like jesus christ.
The rent for a studio in my area is the same price, imagine paying another monthly rent on top to just go to work if you are a single parent. I am not even talking formula, diapers, clothes, etc.

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